Beable Summer Splash Contest from Home

Dear Princeton Caregivers of Rising 7th-9th Grade Students: 

We are committed to providing the best educational resources for our learners. 

That’s why we’ve partnered with Beable, a proven-effective platform for literacy and
career readiness. Our PCMS learners have already been using Beable throughout the
school year, and to ensure that they continue making progress, we’re thrilled to let
you know that your child will have access to Beable throughout their summer

To motivate kids to keep learning, Beable has announced a contest where kids can
win prizes and gift cards! From June 5th to August 4th, your child is invited to
join Beable’s National Summer Splash Contest. With the Beable contest,
learners will boost their literacy skills while learning about topics they enjoy. You
can see more in this flyer.

Let’s work together to make this summer one that encourages academic success! If
you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Thank you for
your continued support.

Wishing you a wonderful summer!